Mostafa Ranjbar, renowned herder and ex-poacher, is awarded the coveted position of Ranger under the new ‘Poacher to Ranger’ project - aimed at changing the hearts and habits of the local people. The project offers the poachers desperately needed income, thereby removing their necessity to poach the Cheetah’s fast dwindling prey.
Mostafa’s first assignment is to lead Irish photographer Colum to get the cover picture for an International Magazine. As Mostafa and Colum begin their quest, two catastrophic events occur - a Cheetah is killed on the road and a Ranger is shot dead. Mostafa is implicated…
Shamed and humiliated, he threatens to revert to his former poaching ways, but is confronted by his forthright daughter Nasrin who demands her father come clean or he will sacrifice everything they have all worked for. But he defies orders and continues to assist Colum on his quest. He believes there are newly born Cheetah Cubs – that will fulfil their mission.
When all seems lost, and he sets off to wreak revenge – it is Nasrin who, in an astonishing intervention, saves the day.
Stage play
The stage play version of Cheetah was written before the film with the same main characters but a slightly different thrust to the narrative.
All enquiries to Lucy Fawcett. Sheil Land Associates:
Phone: 020 7405 9351
Rena Owen, Polywood Productions
It is a great and important story with awesome visuals, colorful rich characters, solid relationships, and it has a lot of soul and a very big heart! It ticks a lot of cinema boxes...
Thomas Strudwick, Director of Film, AUB, and Screenwriter Consultant
I enjoyed the read. It's well-written, the setting is fresh and exciting and the story is packed with incident - there is so much going on!
L.A. Screenwriter, Christopher Brian Halvorson
He is a talented writer with a lot of charm – even though the topic is tragic... Once it got going I was engaged in the story. It has a lot of great things working for it... Most projects gain traction because of the concept. You have a great concept!